My husband owns his own business. He has for 20+ years now. Its obviously a successful business to 1) still be in business in this economy 2) allow me to be a housewife 3) allow us to travel often 4) allow us to live the lifestyle we do.
DO NOT misunderstand me, we are FAR FAR FAR from well off (which people tend to think we are. Again, trust me...we aren't!). My husband works VERY VERY hard and LOTS of hours. April-November, he often works 6AM-6PM plus weekends. (Again, lots of hours but it does give us freedom when we want to take off early and hit a baseball game or something)
Like I said, there are lots of advantages and for those, I am grateful. Right now, I'm upset, scared, angry, and frustrated. WHY must people mess with people? Why can't people live their live and others live theirs?! I, obviously, must be vague here...but really, I don't know very much. I know one of the government's "helpful" departments was called on him, his company. Chances are it will be nothing...but the stress & headache (and time & possible money) is stupid. ERRRRRRRRRRR.
(Side note...that I thought when typing above...I hope this doesn't mess up our trip next month, or new yet to be fully planned trip in April.)
Moving on...I am AFRAID of birds. Its not a joke, its a true FEAR of mine. I think its the fluttering motion that gets me. I've been afraid of birds as long as I can remember. Along with birds, big bugs/moths/butterflies...HATE THEM. I have joked a lot about living in the middle of no where, aka...farmville usa (which I called my town LONG before the popular facebook game). Since getting married and moving across town (and note, we are miles north of town!) I truly live on a farm. We don't operate the farm portion, but its our land that we lease to farmers. Well, life on the farm just about killed me last night. There is a door to go to our basement/outside. Went to open it last night & there was a FU*KING BAT! I was home alone. I slam the door SOOOOOOOO quickly but wasn't sure if he was trapped in the basement/landing part or if he got in. I dropped the laundry that was in my hands on the floor, scream for the dog & run out the doorwall. Call husband screaming & crying. Poor JadaTheDog and I had to sit outside for like an hour. (If it was reallllly cold, I could have went and sat in a barn/garage/truck...but it was about 65). Husband got home, found & killed the bat that was still in the basement area. I made him check every inch of our house for other bats before I would come back in. Panic attack is an understatement of how I reacted. Just talking about it today makes my heart race & gives me goosebumps.
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
Did you ever hear the story of the bat that got into my house when I was pregnant with Lennon? O.M.G!!!! My and the ex were sitting in the living room when all of a sudden, this thing comes flying out of the fireplace. It started to circle the room, and kept coming closer to my head. At this point, I didn't know if it was a bird, bat, or whatnot. I was panicked, and scared to death. My ex, the little weenie he is, grabbed his phone and the dog and ran outside, leaving me behind. He ran out the door to call his mommy. Seriously @@. I finally got up enough nerve to unfreze myself and run outside. By this point, I was so terrified I couldn't even breathe, but Jim didn't care. OH, he decided that calling 911 would be a great solution. Um...yea. Finally, one of our neighbors came over, and they chased the bat outside with a baseball bat. Tara, I've never been so scared in all my life, it was awful. I cannot stand birds, bats, and other things that fly and can attack you. I swear, birds will peck your eyes out if they get the chance!!!
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