The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Kick a little

I have to say the words shipment, shipping, ship, etc about a million times a day at work to customers. I know any moment its going to turn to shitment, shitting, and shit. Great!

I didn't give my dad props the other day, like I should have. He got deer #2 of the season (with another arrow!). Apparently he finally has gotten the hang of this bow hunting gig. Since only dad & I eat venison, I hope its his last deer for the year. Sadly, we aren't processing this one ourselves. No chasing Mom around the house with deer brains.

I'm annoyed. Jo has a bunch a pseudo friends. I don't like them, never have and I doubt I ever will. They are threatening her (to what degree, I don't know) about how she voted. I'm willing to beat all my money that most in this group 1) aren't old enough to vote 2) didn't vote. Why she felt a need to tell them how she voted, I don't know. But seriously. There is no need to threaten her regarding her vote! Obviously she isn't the only one in the state that voted that way, because the proposal passed! Thankfully Jo is starting to realize that these people are losers and just pseudo friends!

Yesterday, I came home from work and was sleeping within an hour. Mom came up to check on me at about 8pm. I'm sure I yelled to be left alone. I do know at this time, I turned on my alarm clock for the morning. To bad, I didn't stay sleeping all night! I woke up at about 10:30pm and was up until nearly 2am. I can't be normal, no matter how hard I try! Why is a normal sleep schedule so difficult?


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