The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

God Bless the USA

VOTE! America get out and VOTE!

I've said it before and I'll say it again (and AGAIN and AGAIN!). I don't care who you vote for, why you vote...JUST VOTE!

I can't stand people that have the nerve to complain about politics and our government yet do jack crap about it. Of course, I would love if everyone voted MY way but I know that's not realistic.

I was proud of Jo last night. This is the first ever election she can vote in and she's voting. That's great but on top of that, she felt the need to spread the message. She was all over our 30 year old sister about the importance of voting. Go Jo!!!! I just can't understand how people DON'T feel the NEED to vote!

I got up early today to stop and vote on my way into work. I've voted in every election big or small, since I turned 18. I've NEVER waited, and I mean NEVER. Not even 2 people in front of me. Today, I got to the polls about 20 minutes after opening to find an hour wait! AWESOME!!!! I'll wait in line after work. I'm excited to see this many people out to vote, I just wish people would take ALL elections so serious.


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