The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Hello In Heaven

I have SO much to blog about and so little time/energy lately.

Today was my baby cousin's birthday party. I really enjoyed myself. Mom wasn't doing good, but we all managed. As I was leaving, my Uncle (Dad's bro) that just bugs me, started this "I'm so proud of you" talk. Blah blah blah. You've been a jerkball TO ME for years.

Then, I went and hung out with SML. We ate, went to the fair (just to ride the ferris wheel, which was a HUGE rip off!), to play putt putt, then to some friend's place for a bit, then to the bar with my friends. Busy busy busy.

On the way to the birthday party, I talked to ST. He called me while driving home from FL. It was nice to chit chat with him, and I actually have a busy life lately to talk about! It wasn't a dead silence type of converstation!

My brain hurts, thinking is dangerous. I have to be awake in about 5 hours, I'm getting for bed soon.

T out.


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