The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Take Five

I know EVERY job will have days where I'll hate it! Today was ONE OF THOSE DAYS!!! I worked 9.5 hours and took a whole 18 minute break. It just sucked. Another one of those things...that I'll just leave at that. I just can't think about work anymore today! I'm sure tomorrow is going to be another long day, another shitty day...but at least, I HAVE to leave at 16:30, I've got stuff to do!

I called ST today. I needed to clarify some things that went on yesterday, plus I just needed to explain myself to him. I know he reads here now and then AND he knows me better then anyone on this planet, BUT I just felt better after talking with him about things. He wants to be my friend, but respects the space I need. Basically, he has put the ball in my court regarding our friendship. At the same time...he knows I'm not the best person at working on friendships, so I think he'll still continue to nudge me from time to time, for us to be friends.

I had to run out to my car to grab something for my Mom. Its such a nice night out, a great night for camping. I know...there's someone out there for me...the process of all this mess big toejam.

Tomorrow night I have stuff to do...maybe Red will be there. Hehehe! Seriously, I need to find someone to drool over, whose personality I like, who doesn't annoy me EVERY single blessed time he opens his mouth. I'm a nut...I know.

I'm going to moods are still all over the freaking place and driving ME crazy. I feel sorry for all those that have to deal with me lately. I'm just evil & lovable all in the same breath.

T out.


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