The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Break This Chain

I talked to one of my favorite people tonight, one of my Aunts. I missed her birthday the end of May because of life, because of being so busy with Mom being so bad, etc. She was so snotty about it. I feel like shit for even bringing it up. I know she has a lot going on right now, her mom is terminally ill, her step-daughters grad party is this weekend, etc.

Red wasn't at softball tonight. He's out of state for some engineering competition (read: nerd!).

I'm busy, I'm tired, I'm crabby. I need more hours in a day.

Dad thinks we are car pooling all next week to save him gas money...we shall see.

I've still got about an hour's worth of stuff to do and I kept this entry short. EEEEEEEEK

T out.


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