The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, June 23, 2005


God doesn't give me more then I can handle. I'm a FIRM believer in that, but seriously, God must know I'm a stronger and tougher person that I think I am.

I'm going to be on a war path today, just to warn ya'll. I've been awake since 03:50. I didn't go to bed until after 12:30, and I was awake at least 2 times in there. My Mom has a mess all over the house. She has NO clue what is going on. She's all worked up about her upcoming surgery (more on that later) and excited about going up north. If I was in charge, she would NOT be going up north. I'm willing to bet money Dad has to go up there and get her AGAIN. I am also willing to bet money that I come home from work to all the messes Mom made, cause God knows Jo won't clean them.

I agree 100% with my Dad about quality of life over quantity regarding my Mom's health...but giving her quality (that she bitches NON STOP that we control!) is causing me to lose MY quality and lately probably my quantity.

I have learned to not make snap decisions when I am THIS tired, but in the next few days I've got some thinking and praying to do.

Technically tonight is our last softball game. I better get a freaking nap or me going will be POINTLESS and DANGEROUS.

World, get some sleep for me.

Peace, love, and sleep to all.


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