The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, February 13, 2006

I'm Down

Very often people will leave newspapers & magazines in the break room at work, when they are done with them. Today, as I was eating my lunch, I was flipping thru Metro Times which I've read plenty of times before. Heck, they are free, almost always sitting in a pile by the door at my local coney island chain. Well, I have been entertained all DAY! The article is called "Still Shakin'" Who the hell gets the idea "Hey, lets collect antique vibrators"? I mean, can you see a guy wandering around a yard sale "Excuse me, do you have an vibrators for sale?" Where else do you get antique vibrators? Ebay...of course! At least, according to the article. Now, my question is...are they new (but antique) vibrators or used? LMAO!!!!!!!

I've got to stop by a funeral home viewing tomorrow. My Uncle's mother (he's only been married to my Aunt about 2.5 years) passed away. I've never met the lady, but my family things I should stop by. Joy.

Now, I'm off to start playing with my new toy! And I don't mean that kind...I mean my new Creative Zen Nano Plus (aka my ipod). WEEEEEEEEEE.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.


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