The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, February 12, 2006


My bi-polar issues, my depression is something that I have never hidden from this blog, so why start now.

Since the holiday season, my mental issues have been getting the best of me. I've pulled away from everyone/thing I know because I just don't have the ability to deal with the world. I hate work, when I am there I beg to be anywhere but there...I hate home, when I'm there I wish I was anywhere but here. Dealing with my family sucks the life out of me lately. My Dad's need to ALWAYS agree with my Mom for the sake of NOT rocking her boat, Jo's inability to control her anger, the way everyone always yells (me included lately!), Jo's inability to get a drivers license (and Dad's inability to MAKE her!), the stress of Mom's heath, etc. all have me just worn out.

I have 3 friends that know me well enough, that I trust, and am comfortable enough to be around lately, and they make me feel, at least, at that moment, like things will be okay. To bad, 2 of them live out of state.

I hate that I don't have the ability to pull myself together, to figure this out, snap out of it, do what I have to do for myself, to make it all better, and move on.

I could go on and on, but I won't.

David's Friends yesterday was okay, at best. Red's Oldest Sister was there, which was nice cause she rarely gets to go to events cause she always has the little kids!

God's going to figure this crap going on in my life out (hopefully SOON!), because I can't handle it!

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!


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