I Refuse
I was TIRED last night, like always! BUT...The Opening Ceremony to the XX Winter Olympic games was on! I was READY to pass out tired (like doing STUPID stuff tired) at 19:00, but the Ceremony started at 20:00.
So, I watched MOST of the Ceremony, passing out for good at about 23:20. Yes, I MISSED the lighting of the flame! :-( I'll get over it. I'm sure I'll catch it on a replay somewhere! My random thoughts and opinions.
~I love the countries that send like 1-4 people. They rock! I would LOVE for them to take a Gold Medal. Heck, I'd rather that 1 person from little country win gold over my USA Hockey team. SHHHHHHHHHHH. I still REALLLLLLLLY want the USA Hockey Team (with their GREAT AWESOME HOT (for a 44 year old) captain!) to win!!!!
~The Germans had great outfits. They were like neon green & orange! The Mongolians hats ROCKED! The Canadians and 1 other country, I can't remember had cool hats to. Elmer Hudd style. But they weren't as cool as my Elmer hat.
~I believe it was Australia, their flag carrier, some blonde chick...a skier (but not apline) was SMOKIN'! She was the hottest person I saw in the entire ceremony. HOT!
~It saddens me that the NHL didn't stop the season earlier so that my beloved Chris Chelios (in case you live in a hole...he's the captain of Team USA Men's Hockey), Kris Draper, Pavel Datsyuk, and all the other great Red Wings that are playing in the Olympics could have been in the opening ceremony.
~Go Team USA!!!!
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
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