This Gift
I have what I thought was a nasty pimple (Mom is calling it a water blister) on the INSIDE of my nose. It hurts, VERY bad. I tried to pop it tonight (even tried with a needle) and got no where. NASTY!!!!!
In my last post (the one where I copied and pasted things I wrote when blogger was down) I mention missing ST. I wish I could explain how I miss him. Its not the "I miss him, my life is over." I miss his company, I enjoy spending time with him so much. The past 3 times I've seen him (over a 4 month span), I've missed him every time we have had to part ways. Missing him differently each time, but missing him in better healthier ways. ;-) I'm glad I make sense to myself.
I didn't go to the gym today. FAT LAZY BUTT! I also drank WAY to much soda at home...we are OUT of water! I swear, I've got to get back on track before I balloon back to where I was the start of last summer! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I feel fat, my face is broke out, and just blah.
I've been SO anxiety ridden. Its kicking my butt. My brain is in manic mode, which to me is better then being depressed...but I need stabilization. It will all be okay soon enough. In the grand scheme of life, very little matters!
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
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