The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm So Into You

Lots of random things going on...

I'm less depressed than I was when I last posted. I'll take it for now. What really helped me out on Sunday night was a bible verse that I heard over the radio.

"God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day." Genesis 1:31 (NIV)

The verse on the radio used "excellent" in place of very good. My point is that, I was created or made by God...and so, therefore, I am very good.

In other news...a friend from work (he hasn't been working in my building for about 2 months or so, but I still talked with him online at least 1-2 times a week and I talked to him over this past weekend!) passed away last night at the rip old age of 25 , from heart failure or something along that lines. I'm sad, to say the least. Blondie & I are trying to figure out how/when we can make it to the viewing.

I just found out today, 2 buddies of mine are having babies! One is an old friend from work. I just can't see her being a parent any time soon, but hey, she's happy, so I'm happy. The other is my best childhood friend Bean. Bean's been married almost 3 years now, so this was almost expected. Her Mom called last night to tell us, because my Mom jokingly wrote about Bean having a baby in her birthday card last week. I know the invite for Bean's shower will be in the mail shortly. Have I ever mentioned I hate those things?

I had a strange set of dreams last night. The first one involved SML & some of his friends. I remember nothing more than hanging out with him & 2 of his friends (Trav & Pat). Odd. Then, the next dream was about Shell's engagment ring. It was small, ugly, and poor quality. I remember thinking to myself I know how much the setting is priced at and it looks like that! The weird thing to me is the 1st dream had Shell's ex (Trav) in it...then the next dream had her being engaged (not to Trav, of course!).

I talked to ST tonight. Things almost seemed strained, or different. I know we both have been tired and stress (at least, I've been stressed!) so its nothing I'm sure. I hadn't talked to him in over a week, so hearing his voice was something I almost needed. I'm so used to ups and downs with him (which are almost always within my head) , I'm sure things will be back to "normal" soon enough (what "normal" is God only knows). He's such a combination of a sweetheart & smart aleck, I'm so glad he's my friend! I won't inflat his ego anymore...but he's cool.

I bit all my pretty nails off, SUPER short. They look like hell. Worse today, than in the past5 months. YUCK. Oh well. If that's what I have to complain about, I'll survive.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!


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