The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Never No More

I was woke up at about 07:55 by Jo. She needed a picture printed for class, and couldn't find the file. Then, once I found the file and printed it...we ran out of ink. HA! That's what she gets for not taking care of things until an hour before class. She KNEW we were very low on color ink. In all seriousness, I hope (and think!) her speech goes well. Its about Red Wing hockey (basically) and we all know, she knows enough about that to ramble for 3-5 minutes.

I'm VERY excited. JM & TOY are coming over. Dad's going to get them right now, and they will be here until tomorrow night. YAY! I enjoy them so much more when they come over without JJ. JJ is driving me nuts right now. She's called 5 times in the past 1.5 hours. HELLLLLLO. Call Dad! I know nothing regarding the plans for the weekend. Then she called freaking out about John's girlfriend and how she's not cooperating and won't give JJ the kids boots. Call Dad! Then she called back asking about Church tomorrow, blah blah blah the boys don't want to go. CALL DAD. Then she calls back asking me about where she is meeting Dad. HELLLLLO. CALL DAD!

Speaking of Church, I think there is David's Friends this afternoon, but I don't have a clue if I'll be going or not. David's Friends moving to Saturdays isn't working out as good for me as Wednesday was. Oh well, I can't stress myself out over it. When Dad gets home, I'm heading to the gym. I've got load #2 of laundry in the washer. Yay! I have 2 other small loads I could do, but they are so small, its not worth it really. Laundry is much more managable when I don't have 10 loads to do. Mom is napping. YAY!

I'm emotionally detaching myself from lots of the world right now. I'm proud of me, its working out easier then I thought it would. I'm glad & thankful that God explained things to me this week.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!


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