It's Whatever
About 4.5 hours ago, in the middle of family drama (which included a pretty large meltdown by yours truly), I slammed my knee in the door at the top of the steps. It hurt BAD then, but I was SO upset/hurt/angry at people within my family and stuff...that it wasn't my real concern. it hurts like a BITCH! A big big big BITCH!!!! I can barely walk, am crawling the steps. I took some drugs (not good ones, yet) and have been icing it. I HURTS!!!!!!! I dropped something in the kitchen & went to pick it up and nearly collasped, my Dad realized I did jack my knee up good. I don't have time/energy/money for this! Working out tomorrow shall be fun.
I think something is wrong with me. I'm 26 & single, yet I'd rather sit home then go out on a Saturday night. I think I'm like this for 2 reasons mainly...I run non-stop Monday-Friday, come the weekends I don't want to do anything unless I have to. Plus, I live so far from my friends the last thing I want to do is spend 2.5 hours driving to/from the city (which I already do 5 days a week). Add in that more often then not, I'm broke as a joke...and here I sit on a Saturday night. And, I'm OKAY with that, I usually enjoy it. So, I'm weird. You say weird, like its a bad thing. ;-)
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
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