China Lady
My allergies are officially kicking my ass right now! MAJORLY! I thought things were better but late last night they flared up again, and today, they have been HORRIBLE! I can't remember the last time my seasonal type allergies were THIS bad!
CJ called last night AFTER I went to sleep (so, sue me, I went to sleep at 21:00), but I woke up and talked to him for about half an hour. We cleared a lot of things up. I'm learning how he operates still (I knew he had flaws, I just had to find them) and vice versa. His way of making sure he doesn't take his stress out on me is to distance his self from me. Interesting. He was back to his butt kissing ways that I adore. ;-)
I'm going to attempt to take my runny/stuffy nose, sneezing, watering eyes, self to David's Friends tonight, at the Coffee Shop. We shall see. Outside of my box!
Mom had a small seizure yesterday. That's not good, but the GOOD news is, it was 4.5 weeks since the last one. I think it was that long anyway...I'm not 100% sure.
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
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