Sunshine Smile
Its FRIDAY!! Fridays are usually good, but today is SUPER! I'm off work. I'm heading on the jet plane to CHICAGO! Its only a short trip...but out of state AND a plane makes it a VACATION for me!
I actually managed to sleep well. I busted butt all night, so I just passed out at about 22:30. Slept pretty solid until 07:00. I was very panic filled all day at work about this flying gig, but it went away for the majority when I left work. Now, today, first thing when I got out of bed...PANIC filled! I'm shaking as I type this. Its not a full fledge panic attack (which I did have at work yesterday...NOT cool!), but I can see where its headed. Thank God for good drugs.
Pictures & Chicago story will be coming soon enough.
CHICAGO here I come!
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
Have fun!! Be safe!!
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