The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Same Old Song And Dance

I should be more grateful that I am ABLE to help everyone.  I hate that I get upset lately when others ask me to help them.  I have my own issues, my own stuff to deal with, my own problems...yet I can't get my stuff dealt with cause I've got to help everyone else.

To make a LONG story as short as possible right now...Gma spent time in the hospital again over the weekend.  I'm off to stay with her for the night, maybe 2 nights.  Traffic is going to be hell getting there right now, and add on that I don't have a single penny to my name.  ZERO ZIP ZILCH, NOTHING.  I have $ in the form of a paycheck which I have NO access to until 09:30 tomorrow.  No dinner for me...for about night number 4.  It will all work out, I know that.  Pray that I have enough gas to make it to Gma's.  Just ERRRRRRRR.

God is love!


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