The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, March 26, 2007


I'm watching Dancing with the Stars this season...or at least trying to. I just can't sit in front of the TV that long. It doesn't keep my attention. Neither does American Idol. I do have to say Ian (Steve on 90210) is a lot cuter these days!

STRESS should be my middle name. The really crappy thing is there is NO ONE that I can go to with whats going on. I've prayed and prayed, now I've got to wait & wait. Right now, the not knowing is whats eating at me. I can barely function. I'm in a continous fog lately. Its bad.

Since Friday, I've been organizing my scrapbooking stuff! It makes me smile. One of the few things that makes me smile lately. Well, today (as the stress is getting worse & more complicated) I decide I'm going to work on it some more (while watching Dancing with the Stars) and I start to melt down. I really wanted to just make a big mess & ruin everything. I didn't though, I just put it down (in not as neat of a pile as it was in) and walked away. But seriously, I just want to destroy it all for some terrible reason.

My friend isn't home. God only knows when he'll be home. He's at his parents' house working on important stuff. Last week for work, I think he worked like 80 hours. I just need to spend QUALITY time with him. I think in 3 weekends I might get that. (This weekend we are having a bunch of people over here, so we have to clean, have people over, and clean again. Next weekend is Good Friday/Easter, and THEN the weekend after that maybe/hopefully I can spend TIME with my friend.)

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!


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