The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Stand In The Rain

I'm the proud new owner of this camera! Its a Kodak V610 (Sam's Club has it at the store for under $200). It ROCKS!!!!! Of course, I only have pictures of my friend and random stuff around the house so far...but its so cool. I took a video and stuff too. Then I played it thru the TV. FUN FUN FUN! I called JJ to see if I could come visit my lovely nephews and get some good exciting pictures, but she didn't answer. Pictures...and LOTS of them to come!

Its storming here, again. BLAH!

I think we are making chop suey for dinner. Yummmy. EXCEPT my friend thinks we need this stuff (even though the receipe we have doesn't mention it!)...and we've been to 2 stores looking for it with no luck. We are going to stores that the website lists and no dice. We'll find out sunbird asian products...but not the chop suey one.

My heart is breaking for one of my friends. I hate feeling helpless. I wish I could take away the pain. I wish I could make things better. BUT, I can't. It sucks. Remember, life is precious. Life is to short to hold grudges. Live life to the fullest. Live every day like today might be your last on this planet.

God is love!


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