The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A long time ago now (I probably blogged about it when it happened), I had a dream (more like a nightmare) that my Mom passed away and ST & SML both missed the funeral.  I remember talking to both of them about it, especially SML and he assured me it would never be like that.

Mom's health has been pretty decent lately, praise God. 

I keep replaying that dream & converstations in my head all the time recently.  SML and I recently had a huge falling out, or something like that, so I'm sure that's why.  I just am so hurt by SML right now.  ST lives far away, works (& travels for work) a lot, and has a new GF (which I'm SO happy about!), so I feel like he'll never have time for me again.

Back to the doctor I go tomorrow & then to deal w/ HR at work.  I AM strong enough to deal with everything.

God is love.


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