The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

A few (probably 4) years ago, while at my grandparents' house, we came across a journal my Grandfather wrote when he was in 2nd grade (that would be about 1940).  I had a blast reading that journal to everyone!  I was CRYING I was laughing so hard.  It was so cute.  Everyone enjoyed it, but no one as much as me!  My Grandma wanted to keep the journal for a while so she could show it to my cousins and others but told me I could have it.  I better get that journal some day!  In the journal, he talks about selling lollipops at school and how much money he'll make if he makes no mistakes and about buying war bonds or stamps or something like that.

I've been into photos my entire life.  I used to torture my cousin Trin (miss you!) and make her look at all my pictures every time she came over.  My nephews KNOW that if Aunt T is around, pictures will be taken.  They've grown used to it and don't complain that much.  Amazingly, in the past month they LOVE that Aunt T has a million pictures of them.  TOY and JM have joined the myspace cult (not that I agree with it, but I'm not their parents...but I DO play myspace police as much as I can for them!)  and now all my pictures are SO cool.  Last night, I was at their house for a campfire and stuff and both JM and TOY were posing left and right.  They haven't posed for me in a good five years! 

I've been into scrapbooking for about four years now.  I don't do it as often as I'd like but I just never have the space!  I LOVE it.  I am continously reading/browsing magazines and books on the subject.  As a single, child-free adult, scrapbooking almost gets sad.  Don't get me wrong, I adore my nephews and family and scrap them PLENTY and have enough of my own friends and activities to scrap...but 99% of scrapbook related stuff has to do with children and weddings, in my opinion.  I am currently reading The Creative Memories Way, I use some of their products and love their quality but I'm not a LOYAL CM scrapper.  While reading the book (I'm not even 20 pages in) and I want to throw the book against the wall and never touch anything CM again.  I know that most of their customers (and probably target audience) are mothers.  The book is spewing crap about how you need to make keepsake albums for your children, how you need to build your child's self esteem by creating keepsake albums, how you need to put your wedding pictures of you & groom smashing cake in each others mounth in albums.  UGH.  What about those of us that are NOT married and don't have kids?!  Am I not "allowed" to make keepsake albums because I don't have children to pass them down to?  I probably will never have the great grandkids that the book talks about. 

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!


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