The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Friday, August 01, 2008

God provides.  I've been doing a fairly decent job of remembing that for the past few months.  This week, while remembering that, I was stressed.  I just prayed and prayed.  And of course, God provided!  I had been praying a ton the past two weeks about God providing for my needs (there is a huge difference between needs and wants), literally an hour or more a day in pray.  For me, that's a TON.  At one point this week, when God was slowly starting to answer my prayers, I fell to my knees in my dining room in tears of joy and thankfulness and couldn't praise God enough.  I didn't sleep that well last night and was so glad to awake to my prayers being answered.  God also, thru these few weeks, He also reminded me that I've got awesome family and friends.

My 2 year old nephew Jax has been a matter of concern and disagreements among our family.  JJ thinks he's fine.  My parents, Jo, and I feel he's got problems, possibly autistic.  Now, I am NO WHERE near a doctor but something just doesn't seem RIGHT with Jax and I wish my sister would at least have it looked into, if for nothing else to prove us wrong!  Jo has a medical condition, that she was born with.  At the age of 6 months my parents had Jo in all types of school, therapies, and the such.  EVERYONE will admit that if my parents hadn't been so adament at getting early interventions for Jo, she wouldn't be where she is today!  If there is something wrong with Jax, JJ needs to get moving on it!  I pray I'm wrong.

I am concerned about my friend.  This is a difficult week for him.  I haven't talked to him much this week and he's been short when we do talk.  His birthday is Sunday so hopefully his mood or issues or whatever improve by then.

TOY is playing in a baseball tourney this weekend and its not far from my house.  I'll be heading there tomorrow.  I love 10 year olds!  I went to his game tonight but it was rained out, well more like thundered & lightening out.

God is love!


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