Grateful For Your Love
While the thought of moving back to my parents house SUCKS HORRIBLY, some parts of it suck worse then others.
When considering any move, my thoughts have always been...
1) Church
2) Job
3) Friends & family
Well...since I don't have number two at all, just whatever on that subject.
Number three...I'll be closer to my parents and younger sister but terribly far from my friends and the rest of my family. I've got a few friends near my parents house but really NO ONE I would pick up the phone and say "Let's grab dinner." The thought of being 60+ miles from my friends (and even more from some!) crushes me. They have kept me alive and sane.
Number one. Number one is a Church. Jesus Christ is the MOST IMPORTANT part of my life, hands down!! Without Him, I'm nothing. Without Him, I'm LOST. Having a Church to call home, to call part of my family has been an important part of what makes me click since I was 12. Obviously, I'm NOT perfect and have struggled in this fight more times then I'd like to count. But, with that said...I need a Church, I need the support of a Church family. Moving back to my parents, I don't have a clue where I am going to get that. I've been praying about it. I've talked with my Dad about it. I've prayed about it some more. I hit my knees in pray about it because I'm just at a loss.
The Church I was attending when I lived at my parents house before, isn't the place for me. God has made that clear as can be. David's Friends folded so I can't even cling onto that. I tried a Church near my parents house but I don't think I fit there. A little to traditional for me, at least service wise. There is a Church that lots of people from my parents Church have switched to that isn't that far...I could try that but I think it might be to small for me. Jo's old youth pastor is now a pastor at a Church to the north of us a little bit. I might try there. I don't know. There is a Church a distance away that might work. I just don't know.
While I'm talking about this lack of a Church thing. I would like to point out to other Church going Christians...there is an area of Christians we are FORGETTING about. The single, child-free adults are FORGOTTEN. There is so little for us to do, to get involved. It sucks! Now, I LOVE Children and do find myself working with them more often then not...but there isn't anything for us single child-free adults to interact with others like us. When you are as social-phobic as I am...this is a HUGE problem. I go to Church alone, sit there alone for the service, leave alone and return next Sunday for the same thing. Its times like this that I miss Jo more then she can imagine.
God is love!
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