The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Cowboys Like Us

If you ever look at a razor and it looks like it might have seen its been day, don't be to cheap and lazy to toss it out and get a new one.

My birthday turned out pretty darn cool. People that made my birthday rock!
  • My Mom
  • Shell
  • Jo
  • ST
  • L
  • Jaime, Jess, & the rest of my coworkers

Someone got me the sweetest card that made me cry. It says..."This isn't just a birthday wish for happiness today-- Its a wish that lots of happy things come your way." The message that was written inside was just as sweet. It was a nice reminder, that I will be okay. I also got a card that was tie-died. Oh so perfect for me! Someone also did take my hint about flowers. Way to go Jo!

I'm happy to report my Mom is doing about 85% better. I love when she knows whats going on in the world. Sadly, now she has a head cold that's kicking her butt. Since she doesn't have the strength of a normal adult, any minor sickness isn't cool. Tomorrow my family is going out to dinner to celebrate my (and Mom's) birthday. Hopefully she'll be up for it.

Jo has a job interview in 30 minutes. Hopefully she gets it and gets a wake up call into the real world. Maybe a job will be followed up with a drivers license!


At Sunday, November 14, 2004 4:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Found you through Blog Explosion, my birthday was the 11th. Happy Belated Birthday!


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