I Hate Everything
The lyrics of that song don't hit my life, but the title surely does. I'm just so pissy right now. Happy fricking birthday to me.
At least 2 people have remember/acknowledged my birthday so far. Jo sent me an email at 12:03. She rocks! Shell remembers my birthday too, she's making plans for me. Anyone want to come to my party (at Shell's house) on Saturday, just get ahold of me and your there. It will probably be just Shell & I, cause I have an attitude problem with the rest of the world...but that's okay. It will be fun! Sadly, Marv wont' be there. He's hunting. Darn it!
Trying to find happy birthday memories.
For my 18th birthday, my parents had a large surprize party for me. Problem #1, I figured it out before hand. I remember talking to on my my best friends at the time, (I was away at college) and telling her I'd see her that coming weekend and I could tell she was pissed that I knew! Problem #2, My boyfriend at the time was a jerkball. He was supposed to get me out of the house for my parents. Here is what he did. He had me take him to the basketball place so he could play drop-in. Gave me money and told me to go shopping, come get him in 2 hours, but don't go home! Then, he had me drop him off at his friends house and didn't go to my party with me. Like I said, he was a jerkball but I loved him. I had friends at that party...where are they now. Hmmmm...
Butler--She's around, we've just grown apart. I see/talk to her maybe twice a year.
P--She's alive still. See her every other week at bowling but thats about it lately.
Lerch--She's living in Cininnati now, talk to her via email about once a month.
AC--He's in jail now. I miss him terribly, but hate him for what he did.
Bean--We grew apart majorly about 2 months after that party. Things will never be the same. She's married now. I talk to her maybe once a year and that's basically cause our families are so close.
Shell--Hmmm...was she at this party?
Jerkball--He passed away in August. Sad. He taught me so much about life and made me grow a lot. I wouldn't be as strong of a person as I am today if I didn't have him. He taught me how I don't deserve to be treated. Anyone that dates me now has it rough, cause he was so rotten, that I won't tolerate anything bad at all. Call it Princess T syndrome.
21st birthday. Had lunch at TGI Fridays with ST, my mom, JJ, JM, TOY, and Jo. Nothing exciting at all, then ST got paged into work, so I went with him. Good times.
5th grade birthday. My parents tried to have a surprise party then, but some girl told me she couldn't come to my party. What party?
3rd grade birthday. I had my party at the roller skating rink. The fruit punch was gross.
2nd grade birthday was at the pizza fun place. The secertary & principal of my school were there. Why did I invite them?
I think it was my 22nd birthday...yeah it was my 22nd birthday. I was living with ST. My parents invited us over to celebrate my birthday. Didn't really want to come, it was way to far to drive for just dinner. Got here and all of my family was here even my Grandparents from up north. (They are SO cool and are some of my favorite people in the world) I was totally surprise and my parents didn't even intend for it to be a surprise.
I remember my 23rd birthday. Interesting and I'll leave it at that.
Why can't I remember my birthday last year at all? No, I wasn't drunk...at least, I don't think so.
Back to sleep a couple more hours.
Happy Birthday to ME!
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