Man, I feel like a Woman
Yesterday was a good mental day for me. I broke through so many of my comfort zone things! All church related. Yes, I went to church for the 4th week in a row!
~We were running late for church, and I still went. I hate walking in LATE!
~There wasn't much room to sit, I didn't make a big deal of it. Had to sit closer then I liked but I lived.
~I had a coughing fit and had to leave church in the middle and come back in. Again, I lived. I even managed to find the drinking fountian on my own.
~I went to the altar all by myself! I thought about pulling Jo with me, but I didn't. It was something I had to do for ME! I think that's the 1st time I've been to the altar in 5 years.
~I openly cried and cried in front of strangers.
Those might seem small to some, to me those were HUGE tasks. Baby steps.
I just finished reading your whole blog. I mean from the first post to the last. I know get a life right? I was at work, and I was bored so I started looking thru different blogs. I read your first post (chronologically your last post) and I just couldn't stop reading. Here is what I think: You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. Keep your chin up.
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