You're so vain
I love America. I love the freedom of speech we have in America. Sometimes is cracks me up when people see the need to use their freedom of speech and say stupid stuff...especially in away messages.
Yes, I am one of those freaks that has to read everyones away messages. I'm also guilty of saying silly things in my away messages that have nothing to do with why I'm not at the computer. The point of an away message, or so I so people know why you aren't at the computer not so you can fight with people. A couple of years ago now SML and one of his friends had a major fight for a few weeks thru away messages. There was some funny stuff that went down in those messages, now looking back...but at the time I hated it because lots of them were about ME.
For a couple of weeks now, someone has had a rude away message up 90% of the time they are online. Seriously, just TELL the person that you are mad at, don't fight thru away messages. Hell, if its about me, I don't care...just tell me. If you aren't person enough to just tell them, keep it to yourself. Maturity at its best.
As I said, I love my freedom of speech. So, I can type whatever I please about people's silly away messages just as we all can continue to have stupid away messages. God bless America.
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