The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Weed For Willy

Work was a mad house again. Phil even sat down and took phone calls for awhile today. At one point, he said "Well, you aren't backed up anymore, I'm going back to my office." Jess told him the phones weren't backed up, wait 3 minutes. I then said "Hey, Phil, I've got tons of paper you could help out with." Surprisingly, he grabbed some. I got great joy out of deligating to my boss' boss! Grace had to leave work early today. She got a call at work to get to the hospital ASAP, her MIL was most likely going to pass away this evening. So, I worked an extra 1.5 hours, to help her out. Chances are (as long as I'm feeling okay) that I'll have to put in 10 hour days tomorrow and Monday, because Grace most likely won't be back to work until Wednesday, or so we are guessing.

One of the guys I work with (there are 5 guys in my dept of 66) had me cracking up today. He's normally a feel joker, but today was just to funny, and the timing was great because I was about to pull my hair out. 2 of the guys asked Jess & I if we cared if they did Squares for the Super Bowl. We don't care, there are other departments doing them. Heck, Phil even asked me if I knew anyone that had any left in our building. (Phil doesn't want his name on the ones that the "other" more important building is doing) So then, guy asks me if I was going to buy any. Of course I said yeah. He then says "Do you even know what they are?" Duh. Yes guy. I then was like "If you can't tell, haven't learned by now, I'm not very girly." He starts laughing. Then I said "Girly girls just rub me the wrong way." He then says "And what way do non-girly girls rub you?" And I just about died laughing.

One of my Dad's bosses (Steve, he's 42) just found out he has prostate cancer. Now, we are all on my (49 year old) Dad's butt to get a phsyical. I'm not holding my breathe.

Gma is home until Monday morning, I think. I was going to try to go to the bar with my friends on Saturday, stay at Gma's, go to wrestling on Sunday, then bowlings, stay at Gma's again, and then go to work Monday AM. I just don't think that's a good idea. 1) I need REST 2) I need time away from Gma.


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