The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Gods Will

I've been exhausted the past few days. I am just getting home at 5am. SMART. I never claimed to be the sharpest crayon in the box. When my alarm goes off at 9:45am tomorrow, I'm going to be such a gem to deal with.

Bowling was better then most bowling nights as of recent. My ability to bowl wasn't that grand. My "team" (ha...that's a joke) lost all 7 points. Since Shell's team was right next to mine, I spent most of my time over there. Shell's ex continued to prove he's an ass. I really liked him when they were together, heck, I even liked him when they first broke up (the final time). The boy has done nothing but be an immature, drunk, dick to her and anyone that she associates with lately.

I made the sexually frusterated mistake of calling ST tonight. I'm glad he's still just dumping my calls to voice mail.

I was about 15 miles into my drive home, chatting with a friend. Decided to turn around and go out. Some food, drinks, fooseball, and more drinks. I decided that it probably was a good idea to not drive right away, so we chatted & chilled. Good time was had by all. I feel a little bad, cause I told Shell I was going home but yeah, plans change and she'll live.

Yes, I'm still sexually frusterated.

T out.


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