The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Closing In On The Fire

So, my brain is fried. So, I'm going to be up all night. So, is another day in the crazy bipolar life of T.

Really, to be medication & therapy free, I know I'm doing damn good! (I've been med free since Aug 2004, therapy free since Dec 2004) I'm so proud of myself & the mental strides I've made. Of course, its basically a daily battle, but its a battle that (even as I'm freaking out today) I know I can win!

After work today, I had some running around to do. Got that done and napped/passed out from about 18:30 until 21:00. When I'm depressed, I know my body just wants to sleep!

I woke up, stumbled my way to my Mom's room to watch American Idol with her. Crap! It was on at 20:00. I hate hate hate hate that TV shows aren't on the same day/time each week. Good thing MTV doesn't screw around with my 10 spot TV shows.

Seems as if everyone has something to say about this Terry Schiavo thing. I just can't fathom being in either of those families shoes. Now, I'd like to think I would know what to do for most of my family. Its all about respecting the wishes of the ill person but at the same time, human emotion gets involved and its all a different story. My family is VERY aware of my personal preferences regarding issues of this nature, and even has it all on paper. I might only be 25 and shouldn't be concerned with DNR's, health care proxies, organ dontation, etc...but accidents happen. If an accident were to happen, I pray my family would respect my wishes, if not, I'll haunt them forever.

Out of borem, I'm going to take a typing test...with sore hands right now. (My cuticles are HURTING on 3 fingers, the rest are just bugging me) 68 WMP the 1st time. I'm sure I'll do it a few (million) more times.

Love sucks! Don't get me wrong, love is a great, awesome thing. One of the best feelings I've ever had was reciprocal love. Having been in love and not being loved in return, I was blown away by how azaming reciprocal love is. My problem with love is, I just hate loving people on different levels then they love me.

Alright...gotta post this, so I can mess up my blog format (so lovely SML can fix it).

T out.


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