The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Like A Virgin

Round 2!

I hate blogger sometimes! I typed up a decently long post, about the past few days, up coming days, etc. Of course, the website wasn't responding and it got ate by the lovely WWW.

It was brought to my attention earlier this week, that a friend (I call him a friend, for lack of better other word, and at one point, he was my friend) is running his mouth that SML & I are sleeping together. That couldn't be farther from the truth! I know I should just concider the source and call it a day...but I can't. SML & I are friends, just friends, good friends.

Tomorrow is Easter. 2 Church services to start the morning, then 29 members of my beloved family will be here for dinner at 15:00.

Good Friday, community Church service was AWESOME. More on that another time, if I ever feel like re-typing it.

I've decided I'm going to include more of Mom's funny stories in here...some day when she's gone, I'll want to look back & remember the funny/happy times.

T out.


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