The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'm My Own Grandpa

Things I didn't mention in my SUPER long post!

SML finally learned that I'm just as happy with a simple mixed boquet of cheaper flowers then I am with expensive roses!

I wore a dress to work today. Everyone was like..."T, why are you dressed up?" The real reason was because it was the only clean clothes I had at Gma's house that met dress code...but part of the reason and the reason I told everyone..."I didn't shave for nothing."

I'm not normal. I know that. But seriously, I think I'm the only female that HATES shaving so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really its only my legs that I hate shaving. Hate it. HATE IT! HATE IT! Seriously, I need to move to Europe or something. Since I'm having no sexual relations, its not super warm where I need to wear skirts/shorts, my work outs don't usually involve other people (that I care to impress) seeing me...what's the point in shaving?

I'm weird, I'm totally aware of that!

That's all she wrote.


At Friday, April 15, 2005 12:36:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get the I HATE shaving my legs thing from you! But I did wear a cute skirt to church on Sunday!

At Friday, April 15, 2005 9:27:00 AM, Blogger HeyItsBeej said...

"But seriously, I think I'm the only female that HATES shaving so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh no, you're not the only one - I stop shaving in September and between then and May, I shave *maybe* two or three times.

Hi, I'm BeejTheGooneyGooGoo (please tell me you remember that Eddie Murphy bit..hehe)


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