The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Come Clean

My football team is 1-1! Happy Dance! I'm screwed come week 9. I've got 4 players with byes. Not cool at all. I'm going to have to do some major scrambling to get a team of any kind together. Hopefully I'll be up against K's team, since they suck so bad. LOL. Love you K!

LMAO! Jo's a freak. She just got rubbing alcohol in her eye. Not funny, I know. The way she is freaking out is providing me entertainment totally.

Red Wings pre-season started Monday. Tomorrow's game is on TV. I'm excited. Actually that's E-X-C-I-T-E-D! Of course, I'll rub it into ST a few more times. Maybe he'll get to watch the Blue Jackets or something exciting down in Cincinnati.

Shell's got a candle party coming up in a few weeks. The very next day, Cris is having a Pampered Chef party. I'm old. Sucks that I'm so poor. I've got to save EVERY penny I can right now. I'm proud of me, besides gasoline for the pea, I haven't spent any money since Friday!

I could ramble for hours. Tomorrow's plan is for me to work 07:00-17:45, then David's Friends, dinner, work out, pass out. I'm learning so much by reading my blog. Its almost my Blog's Birthday. I should have a party for it.

Sleep. Its over rated, until I play catch about 3 weeks.

T out.


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