The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Shine Jesus Shine

My head & heart are the most confused I remember them being in a long time.

Confusion #1) I've basically written Red, and our friendship off. No details needed. Maybe when he's not 300 miles away things won't be so weird & strained.

Confusion #2) I've talked with ST more in the past few days then I have in the past 9 months combined. (Shhhh. I'm working out right now) Our communication is just friendly chit chat. I love/hate the comfort level I have with him.

One of my New Years Resolutions was to not let people (especially ST) rent room in my head. I was doing so well. Was...not currently.

What I wouldn't give to rewind time a year, I was HAPPY last September. Now, I'm just content. PMS. YAY!

I think I'm going to miss all my TV tonight. I've got to work out, then I've got some major blog reading to do, cause I think I have ST caught in a lie. We shall see. I hope I'm wrong.

T out.


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