The Look Of Love
Today is Good Friday. I wish I could find words to really explain my feelings about this day. Out of the 3 biggest (to me, at least) Christian holidays (Christmas, Good Friday, Easter) this one makes me the most emotional! To think about all the pain and suffering and just garbage that Jesus Christ went thru for me, the world, our sins, makes me sad or guilty, or just emotional. Like I said, I can't put it into words. I'm just foreverly amazed & grateful to service such an awesome, forgiving, & loving God!
I had a few different options about what I wanted to do today, but I am proud of me, I decided to stick to my convections, and do nothing really. I went to Church, did some errunds, went to the gym, did some household stuff, and went to Church again. It was just a day that I needed to spend with myself and my God.
I've got some issues that I'm sorting thru in my head. Its amazing to me, thru the mess, the stress, the emotions, etc., how decent my mood has stayed! YAY! Its taking a lot of work, don't get me wrong...but so far, so good! I also know that my good mood won't last forever...BUT I also know that my depression ruts will NOT last forever! (So, next time I'm depressed, feel free to try to remind me!)
Tomorrow should be filled with housework and a trip to the gym. I will NOT get discouraged about this weight gig. I can do it!
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
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