The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

To You

Decisions decisions!

For starters, what exactly is a date? I mean, what qualifies as a date vs hanging out? When someone says "Do you want to go on a date?" , does that make it a date? Does what happens define it? Does who pays define it? Does where you go define it?

I might have a date this weekend. I don't really have time for it, I don't know if its the best idea for me emotionally. I've always said "1 date will never kill me" but just ?! I'll figure it out sometime between now and tomorrow afternoon.

JJ is in the hospital right now. :-( She's 28.5 weeks along with Baby. As terrible as this sounds, this is my logic behind the situation. If they decide that its in everyones best interest to take the Baby now, that would be 11.5 weeks early. That's not that early. Jo was born 10 weeks early, over 20 years ago and she is alive and well. Technology has came a great way in those years. Its in God's hands!

I'm going to relax (which probably means fall asleep) before the Red Wings game! Go Wings! Its almost playoffs! YAY!!!

I've got a 3 day weekend! YAY!!!

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!


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