I had some crazy fun interesting dreams last night. Of course, I can't remember them for jack right now. It was such a good happy night of sleep though. My friend and I actually crawled into bed at the same time (which might happen 2 times a month lately) and he was just all sweet and cuddly on and off. He kept trying to cover me up but I didn't want to be under all the covers. He's still snuggled down happily in the bed.
For about the past 5 years now, I've been a big fan of the "Pick & Choose your battles" mindset. Sometimes easier said then done...but I try. Some things, while they matter, just aren't worth fighting over.
This week, I had a realization, that fits with my "Pick & Choose" theory. I can't change my friend. While he's 99% perfect in my eyes, the little things he does that just bug me...aren't that important (like not going to bed when I want him to) and I need to just accept him for how he is!
So, my friend's family is coming over for dessert and games tonight after we all go to nice dinner. We aren't having anything I like for dessert. ERRRR! I don't see a point in making a 4th dessert just to make me happy...but blah. I just might. Then again, probably not. I'm baked out this week. (Signed the girl that baked 2 loaves of bread!)
God is love!
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