The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

I tried to post yesterday morning, but either my computer or blogger was being stupid & I didn't have time to deal with it. ERRRRRRRRR! It won't let me put in a title still.

I believe the last time I posted, I was talking about being SUPER EXCITED about Shell & J having a baby. I couldn't post details about the situation because I'm not sure if my friend reads here or not & he didn't know any details yet & I didn't want to be the weak link.

WELL...Shell & J are having a baby, due Feb 22. Turns out that my friend's sister & her husband are having a baby also...She's due Jan 18. YAY! Babies, babies, babies everywhere!

4th of July was fun. Had a BBQ at my friend's parents house. Its very cool because the park that does the county fireworks is right behind their house. It was nice not having to deal with crowds & port-a-potties!

Yesterday, I got the joy of dealing with my family. JM had a HUGE baseball tournament. I didn't make it for the 1st game...but got there for the next 2. I was glad for JM, he had a nice crowd show up. If I can count correctly...he had 13 people there. They are playing again today, but I'm not heading up there. The 3rd nephew rocked!!! He had a triple to start the game (he was batting lead off), ended up scoring. 2nd time up to bat...bases loaded. Hits a double to clear the bases & grab 3 RBI's! They moved him from 3rd base to shortstop mid-inning...and he made 2 put-outs in that very inning. Yes, my nephew is cool.

Today, I have no real plans. How nice!

God is love!


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