Give Me Words To Speak
I went to my parent's house yesterday afternoon. Forgot the tupperware. ERRR. I forgot it cause I didn't make a list. I need to write EVERYTHING down or forget it! I didn't tell Mom I was coming. She was SO surprised & excited. I should've had my camera out. I visited my cat & got my pictures, which was what I went for. Grabbed a few other things to. I was in & out in less then an hour (and it takes about 75 minutes in the car, one way). Just didn't need to deal with some of the crap there. I'm starting to feel like JJ, where I don't want to deal with stuff in that house/family...but its totally different issues. Its much easier to just NOT deal with things then to upset myself or get everyone pissed at me.
Knowing I had NO plans for the night & couldn't handle sitting home, I shot a text to Butt. We play the texting game on my drive home. So, Butt & I grabbed dinner at Joe's Crab Shack (then took carry out back to her mom who just got home from work. It was so nice to see her Mom. Butt is one of my best friends from HS, so her Mom often was the 2nd mom type.) Then we headed to the movies to see Knocked Up. It was fun & a little sappy. Just what I needed. I managed to sit thru the entire movie without peeing! Go me!!! I managed to make it 14 months or so without going to the movies. Wahoo. Will probably be another year before I go back. I made $8.50 to see that movie. The night before I rented a movie for $1.06 that I could pause and go pee in the middle of. But, I did have a good fun night out with my girl Butt. It was nice cause I could vent about my family to someone that knows & understands my family and I could vent about my friend and his family since she knows them too. (I can't often vent to Shell as much as I'd like to since she's married into that family)
I didn't go to Church today. The alarm went off at 10:00 (note, I was in bed asleep by 01:00) and I just couldn't make myself get up. Bad bad bad of me!
God is love!
We saw Knocked Up too last night. I thought it was hilarious!
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