The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

(no subject)

Something which I can't disclose has made me SMILE tonight!  I'm evil sometimes, but that's okay! 

At lunch today, I got teary eyed about something...and I keep thinking about it.  The poor girl that sits next to me at work, I must have mentioned it 10 times before she left for the day.  Note:  She's about 3 weeks behind me in this breakup head/heartache, so she GETS where I'm coming from.

My issue that I just want to scream from rooftops/cry about...WHY do THEY (general they...the population at large) expect you to go from telling someone everything, talking to them all day, every day about everything and nothing, completely trusting them, knowing they are one of your best friends, biggest ally, companion, confidant, & someone THEY view you can't talk to or about at all????

Obviously, that's NOT how the situation has worked itself out for me & my friend but the thought that others feel I should have NO or much more limited contact with him makes me literally cry and want to vomit.  That's not how I roll.  I can't hit a switch and go from everything to nothing.  I only wish it was that simple.

In other news...someone, anyone, everyone...yell at me to NOT procrastinate.  The fear of the unknown is so paralyzing to me that I tend to NOT deal with things.  Okay, don't yell...just remind me.  I CAN DO THIS!  I CAN DO WHAT I SET MY HEART & HEAD TO!  I CAN DO IT!

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!

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