The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Take It To The Limit

Happy 2009!

A few of my friends have been doing a quick year in review on Facebook. I don't know if I feel like doing it on the, but I'll do it here. Just a sentence or two about each month.

Jan.--Learned officially that my dear friend Shell was knocked up.
Feb.--My fantastic friend Jess L started working with me again. YAY!
March.--Had a great time at the CTII (work) bowling gig.
April--I get to see my friend Dani from AZ. Adventures in the hospital starts. My friend was a rock star and stayed by my side more then I could have ever dreamed.
May--Shell's baby shower was fun. I had a blast playing with all her baby stuff. Adventures in the hospital continues. I go under anesthesia for the first time in my life. Dad goes under anesthesia for the first time also, minor "I'm getting old" surgery.
June--I get laid off. Adventures in the hospital continues for my longest (and last!) stay yet.
July--Shell's baby GIRL arrives. She's adorable and Shell's doing great.
August--Roomie & BF go to Europe. I finally feel comfortable in my house.
September--Spend every Wednesday babysitting for Jax. Wonder about his speech skills and health more then ever.
October--Roomie gets ENGAGED! YAY! Another wedding to stand up in, coming in July 2009.
November--My 29th birthday ROCKED. My friends (Steph, Shell, and Roomie) thru me a killer "surprise party".
December--Get to see Baby Girl wear SHOES for the first time. Had three great Christmas parties with my friends and Mom/Dad's families.

Hopefully 2009 will be more eventful with happy things, like NO trips to the hospital and finding a job.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!


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