Beer Run
I have to remember I do this blog for ME and no one else! If others read it, good. If they like it, great. If they don't like it, oh well.
I didn't get to blog at all yesterday. Work was BUSY. Heck, I didn't even get to read the obituaries. Yes, I like to start my day with reading the obituaries. If my name is in there, I'm leaving work ASAP. Some man my dad worked with many years ago, told me that (I was about 10 at the time) and I have done that ever since! Also, on a more serious note, I like being informed. In Jan. of 1996 a good friend of the family passed away. Everyone thought someone else notified us of his death. We found out the day of the funeral home viewing, by me reading the obituaries. Not the best way but better then not knowing!
I know I'm in a major depression rut. Hopefully it won't last long. The holidays coming up aren't making it any better. I'm 100% annoyed and irritated with my Dad's family and how they are handling the holidays this year. I won't be able to attend the event basically and since I'm annoyed by how its being handled I'm not in the mood to bend over backwards for them. It sucks when one of your favorite events of the year, with some of you favorite people gets messed up. Christmas Day will suck majorly. I'll be home napping and playing Yahoo Euchre all day. Fun stuff.
I called ST on Wednesday, left him a message. He called back and left me a message. I want to call him back, but I don't want to cry anymore. Right now, he's out of sight, out of mind basically.
Today is the beginning of the end for Jo. She starts her first job today. She's so nervous, its cute. Yes, she's almost 19 and just got her 1st job. Just call her Pizza Girl. Yes, just what we need at my house, a sister who works at the pizza place. I was thinking about my first job. It was just before my senior year of high school, I was almost 17. I loved that job. If I could of, I would have kept that job forever!
I'm SO looking forward to doing a lot of nothing tonight and sleeping until 5pm tomorrow if I so darn please! Happy weekend everyone!
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