The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

I Wanna Talk About Me

My computer is jacked up. I'm 99% sure its got a virus of some sort again. Of course, ST is in a foreign country and SML is in the middle of no where. I just can't have the computer go out right now.

Tonight was interesting. Jo, Mom, and I went to church. After Church I had to stop at Meijer for 2 things. I come out and Mom isn't in the car. She & Jo got into a tiff, so she decided to walk home. Home is about 8 miles. Of course, I'm ready to string Jo by her ears. Mom doesn't know the way home really, she doesn't know her own name 1/2 the time. I mean, she was doing well today but not well enough to walk 8 miles, at 8pm, alone! I called Dad right away, he was on his way into town to help search for her. Finally, about 10 minutes later, I found Mom about 1/2 a mile from Meijer. She didn't fight with me at all about getting in the car. It surely was a silent trip home. We get home and she's apologizing to Jo. GIVE ME A BREAK!

I got most of my holiday cards ready to go out. I'm waiting on a few addresses, but I guess I'm going to send out what is done tomorrow.

Mom got a phone call from a long lost friend of hers today. They talked for nearly 2 hours. It was so cute because Mom was all giddy for hours after the converstation. This friend is leaving for FL for the winter soon, so we won't see her until the Spring. I'm so looking forward to seeing her again. This is the lady that taught me to tie my shoes! This is the lady that I hated when I was younger because at her house you had to eat all your food.

I just noticed ST was online. Why did I have to IM him? People tell me I should take him off my list, but that won't work...cause I'll know he's off my list. Yes, I'm goofy.

I'm off to research who Doris Day is.


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