The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, January 31, 2005

Nothing About Love Makes Sense

Before I forget, 2 really funny things got said this weekend.

Girlfriend says "Hold on, wait guys, I have to fix my boobage."

Apparently boobage is the new term for cleavage.

Now even 2 minutes later...

Girlfriend2 says "Oh my, my balls are really hurting."

She was referring to the balls of her feet but anyone walking by wouldn't have known that!

Work was a ZOO today! I'm dreading Wednesday SO badly! Grace will be off & Jess is only work 1/2 a day. Jess has the afternoon off, when its been crazy. Great! I put in for 2 vacation days today, they are 2 months away, but I'm excited! No plans, just like the idea of a 4 day weekend.

I thought I was going to be able to pay for my gym membership this weekend, but Dad decided nearly a year later that we are turning my car into the insurance company so I have to pull $500 out of my butt! I can't wait to be rid of that damn car. I know I will never own/lease another black automobile again. Its the W family jinx!

My plan for the rest of the work week...8.5 hours tomorrow, 10 hours on Wednesday, 7 hours Thursday & Friday. Joy o joy!

Tomorrow is laundry day. Joy o joy again! What an exciting life I lead.

Peace, love, and weak bladders to all.


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