The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Johnny Has Gone

I thought of another thing that bothers me about myself! My terrible (and I mean TERRIBLE) procrastination habit!

I've got to bust ass tomorrow and get some things taken care of. Things that haven't been in my control, well, one of them...I procrastinated causing a bigger headache then imaginable. The problem is, these issues that I have to bust ass and solve (which MUST be solved tomorrow!) aren't easily solvable. Ahhh. Give it to God. What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.

I've been running on extremely little sleep (with very little of it being quality sleep) for over a month now. I just took a SOLID 3 hour nap. YAY! Now, of course, I'll be awake until at least 02:00. Good thing my Friday doesn't have to start until about 09:00.

I've decided that I'm old! My friends are old as well. Shell, who isn't married, has no children, and lives at home with her parents, is having a tupperware party. Tupperware parties are for middle aged woman with 3 little kids! While I was discussing me being old with ST, he kindly pointed out that I'll always be older then him and some day I'll get my AARP card before him. 25 years when he doesn't have his AARP card yet, he better not come crying to me for a discount.

Work has been extremely crazy this week. Extremely crazy to the point that 15:00 rolls around and I run for the hills. I'm glad I have tomorrow off. I trained someone new to do a lot of the messy stuff, I'm very (probably overly) confident in this new girl's ability to do things properly. I do have a feeling my Monday morning is going to be a real joyous event. I think I'm going to do my best to go in at least an hour early on Monday, so I'm at least, caught up with my stuff before I go home on Monday night. Weeeeeeeeeeee! No thinking about work right now T!

My Dad just called on his way home from bowling. He's whining about a 190 game. Blah blah blah. 738 for the night, and he's whining about a 190 game. I did get the love to bowl gene as a member of the W family...but how come I got passed over with the bowling skill gene?

I'm hungry.

T out.


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