The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Pumping Sunshine

Pumping Sunshine. LMAO! Dr Phil said that last night on (a rerun) Jay Leno. I'm still laughing about it.

I commented to SML last night that "I hate that I hate life so much lately." Its not that I hate life. I hate that the SLIGHTEST things get me all angry & stop my ability to function as a normal human. Example...Jo & I were running errunds last night. God only knows how a $27 check from my Dad disappeared. We torn the car, our selves, and our purses apart. The check is GONE. It stopped my ability to get the rest of my errunds done. No bank, no library, no oil change, no hair cut, no good dinner, nothing. I know I'm not a very flexible person to start with, but really, this total ridge gig as of late has got to calm its butt down.

Mom's doing okay, she's just TERRIBLY unstable physically. She's fallen at least 2 times in the past 16 hours. That's falling while using the walker. My Mom has always been a cluz, but seriously this isn't cool.

I had a nice talk with my Dad this morning. I am 100% done doing stuff FOR my parents, to help them out, to get screwed over by Jo. Until they FORCE her to get a license & job, things aren't going to get an better on that front. I know she works her butt off dealing with Mom, but the fact that 2 weekends in a row, my plans have gotten jacked up because of her, I'm DONE. Dad agreed & respected my position. I'm glad Dad & I could talk calmly & respectfully about the issues, because I was at my wits end.

Lots to little time.

T out.


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