The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, November 22, 2004

All about ME!

I'm going to do a 101 list all about me...or at least try.

  1. My middle name is Sue.
  2. I've been at my current employer for over 3 years.
  3. I've had 7 jobs.
  4. I hated Wal-Mart the most.
  5. I refused to shop there for a long time.
  6. I'm cheap, so now I shop there.
  7. I lived in the same house for over 19 years.
  8. I have brown hair.
  9. I wear size 9 shoes usually.
  10. My left ring finger is a size 6.5.
  11. The mascot of my high school was a first name.
  12. I loved high school with the exception of Algebra 2 and Chemistry.
  13. I had a dog named Cuddles.
  14. My dad had him put to sleep because he couldn't hear anymore.
  15. Yes, I was MAD at my dad for a long time.
  16. I was the Tin Man.
  17. My grandparents had a picture of me, as the Tin Man, made into a poster.
  18. My parents will NOT get rid of it.
  19. Thankfully people don't realize it is me that often.
  20. My favorite color is green.
  21. I like to roller blade.
  22. I'm not that good at it...but I think I'm better then P & Shell at it.
  23. When I was at college, I lived off of baked potatoes.
  24. I'm not a very patient person.
  25. I'm a middle child.
  26. My bedroom in my current house is about 1/2 the size of my old bedroom.
  27. I'm a Real World & Road Rules addict.
  28. I also could watch every episode of Saved By The Bell 1 million times.
  29. I don't like cartoons that much.
  30. I do think Sponge Bob is pretty cool though.
  31. I don't like going to the movie theatre.
  32. I don't like sitting still for long periods of time.
  33. I have an over active bladder.
  34. The medication for the problem doesn't work for me.
  35. I have problems falling asleep.
  36. One summer, I refused to sleep (until I just PASSESD OUT!) because I was worried about stuff happening without me. It didn't matter if that stuff was in Japan or Texas, I was missing stuff by sleeping.
  37. That same summer, P & I met way to many weirdos off the internet.
  38. Some of those weirdos are my good friends today.
  39. The first concert I went to was New Kids on the Block.
  40. It was my birthday gift from my parents.
  41. I was in 6th grade.
  42. The most recent concert I went to was eeeek...I don't remember. I think it was Tim McGraw.
  43. I've lost count of how many times I've seen Tim McGraw.
  44. This summer when Tim was in metro Detroit, was the 1st time since 1997 that I miss seeing him.
  45. When I saw Tim & Faith, I sobbed when Faith Hill came on.
  46. I weighted 6 lbs 6 oz when I was born.
  47. I was born at 8:47 PM
  48. I was born on a Monday night.
  49. I remember the day Jo was born like it was yesterday.
  50. JJ & I were at my Grandma's house.
  51. I remember my Grandma sobbing because she didn't think Mom or Jo were going to make it.
  52. I once got DDT'ed onto cement.
  53. I was once obsessed with "fake" wrestling.
  54. I can't swallow pills.
  55. My first semester away at college, I had one beer.
  56. 2nd semester I made up for lost time.
  57. My grades and attendance were better 2nd semester.
  58. I keep in contact with 2 people from that year away.
  59. One of those people was my roommate 2nd semester.
  60. The other was my fake roommate the entire year. Couldn't "really" live in a boys room.
  61. I don't like to dance.
  62. I went to 3 proms.
  63. My junior year of HS, I went with my ex-boyfriend.
  64. He broke up with me 3 days before prom.
  65. My Senior Prom, I went with my friend Bryan.
  66. I went to ST's senior prom with him.
  67. I don't know where I had more fun, my or ST's senior proms.
  68. My friend Bryan died in 2001.
  69. I'll continue to preach my "Don't Drink & Drive" message until the day I die.
  70. I was pulled over on the side of a busy road when P told me over the phone that Bryan died.
  71. I made her tell me, she didn't want to tell me over the phone.
  72. I grew up with an alocholic dad.
  73. I grew up with a drug addict mom.
  74. I don't like lotion in my facial tissue.
  75. My parents have been clean basically since I was in 8th grade.
  76. I'm currently the heaviest I've ever been.
  77. I'd love to travel the United States.
  78. I've been to Washington D.C. twice.
  79. I've been to Nevada.
  80. I've been to Florida.
  81. I've been to Illinois.
  82. I've been to North Carolina more times then I can count.
  83. I've stopped in every state on the way to Washington D.C., North Carolina, Florida, and Illinois.
  84. I'd love to live in Las Vegas.
  85. I've had the same printer ince 1998.
  86. I have a cool work out bench thingy. It currently holds scrapbooking supplies. (see # 76)
  87. I picked out the carpet for this entire house minus Jo's bedroom.
  88. All the walls in my house are white.
  89. My dad is a control freak.
  90. I love roller coasters.
  91. I hate heights.
  92. I want to go sky diving.
  93. I want a tatoo or 2 or 4.
  94. I love socks.
  95. I have three drawers full of socks.
  96. If I could have any job in the world, it would be to be a homebirthing midwife.
  97. I have a queen size bed.
  98. I once started a fire in my bedroom, on Christmas.
  99. I love the Detroit Red Wings.
  100. I'm going thru major withdrawals since the NHL is locked out.
  101. My bathroom floor is white and blue.


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