The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Six Days on the Road

I love computers, I love AOhelL, and I love blogger too.

I typed on a post about 6 hours ago but some how my computer, AOL, or blogger ate it.

Tisk Tisk on me. I didn't go to church today. Alarm went off and I just looked at it and rolled over. I just didn't feel like moving. Funny thing, I was home before midnight on Saturday. Oh well.

Spent most of the day at my 2 year old cousin's birthday party. He's just so cute, but shy. His brother on the other hand, is my buddy. Kaleb just about knocked Jo & my Mom down trying to get to me when we got there.

I've decided that I 100% give up shaving! I don't know why but I've been shaving way to much lately and its always leading to some type of tramatic injury. I give up. Yes, at 25 years old, I'm having problems shaving. Its like I'm 13 all over again.


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