The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

My Maria

Its officially Thanksgiving now. What do you have to be thankful for this year?

My list...
  1. A roof over my head.
  2. Food in my stomach.
  3. My family.
  4. My little sister that is turning into the best friend I could ever have dreamed of. (If only she was 26 months older we'd be at the bar right now, not typing this)
  5. My friends. They have been such rocks for me lately.
  6. My job.

I could go on and on, but I won't bore myself.

Bonus checks weren't in today with our regular paychecks. Dammit. I wanted to go shopping Friday. Guess that won't happen. I had to loan my Mom about 1/3 of my paycheck today, for medication, so I really won't be going shopping.

All week long the weather report said 1-3 inches of snow for Wed/Thursday...some how between 2pm and 4pm Wednesday that report jumped to 8 inches! Yuck. Welcome Mr. Winter. Now, go away. Seriously, what a way to start, Thankgiving Eve no less. 8 INCHES. If I walk out my back door right now we have a good 4 inches so far. I like winter, I like snow, if I could just stay home and play! Its the driving in the snow that I HATE about winter.

Happy Thanksgiving All!


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