The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Christmas Cookies

I'm beyond annoyed right now. My mouth is still hurting me. Nearly 48 hours into antiboitics, I thought I would be feeling better. That isn't why I'm annoyed really. I should be starting work in an hour (at the latest) and I'm trapped at home. Literally trapped. The freaking garage door broke. No, I'm not a moron. Yes, I know you can open the garage door without the automatic opener. That's not the problem. The freaking spring SNAPPED. There is NO way to budge the door without the mighty spring. When I say the spring snapped...Jo & I had the door open about 2 feet (cause the automatic door opener wasn't working correctly) and it SNAPPED. Door SLAMMED down. Lovely. Freaking lovely. Mom paged Dad, Dad calls back and acts like a jackass. No shit Sherlock, I know how to open the door manually. That isn't the issue. So, now I get the pleasure of driving my car that shouldn't be driven to take Mom to the counselor and Jo to school. Yes, I can drive my car around town (even though it shouldn't be!)...big difference between town (maybe 20 miles round trip) vs going to and from work (about 130 miles round trip).

Oh happy day.


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